Experience Murchison Falls National Park of Uganda


An unforgettable adventure in one of the world’s most popular destinations in the pearl of Africa – the Murchison Falls National Park, the largest protected area in the country.

Day 1: Our journey begins as we depart from the vibrant city of Kampala for our case, it was Fairway Hotel as it was the agreed meet-up point and where we had our breakfast in the early morning before we set off.  Traveling in a comfortable, air-conditioned tourist van and as a group, we had organized for 9-sitters which is what we could afford. We traveled in 5 subgroups as we made our way through the scenic countryside, passing traditional villages and lush farmlands. Our knowledgeable guide, in my specific van, BRENDA, along the way provided fascinating insights into the region’s history, culture, and wildlife as we sailed into the deeper North West.

After a few (4-5) hours, we arrived at Murchison Falls National Park, I was immediately struck by the breathtaking beauty of the surroundings – a memorable Uganda wildlife Safari was awaiting. The park is located in northwestern Uganda, one of the country’s largest and oldest conservation areas. As we made our entrance into the park, the lush greenery, diverse wildlife, and the sound of birds chirping filled the air as we proceed to our lodge for check-in, freshening up, and enjoying a delicious lunch then having a little rest before we embarked on an exciting evening guided nature walk in the park’s vast savannah plains.

Evening fell and we ventured into the wilderness, had the opportunity to explore the park’s diverse landscape carefully observing the smaller inhabitants of the park that range from butterflies to unique plant species, I gained a deeper appreciation for the park’s intricate ecosystem on this adventure. We also had the opportunity to explore the park’s diverse landscapes on our guided nature walk as we were accompanied by experienced rangers who were now part of the group as we proceeded deeper into the bush, helping us discover hidden trails and observe the smaller inhabitants of the park as they explained everything in clear details which helped us learn about the flora and fauna of the region, and absorb the tranquility of the wilderness more easily. We all agreed synonymous, Murchison Falls National Park has a canopy like no other – A haven for breathtaking Nature safaris in Uganda and no other closes by.

Day 2: Waking up to the sounds of nature, the day was already full of promises of another remarkable experience as we had our early morning breakfast and embarked on a thrilling early morning game drive to witness the park’s wildlife at the break of dawn. The soft morning light created a magical ambiance as we traversed through the park’s diverse ecosystems. I gained a deeper appreciation for the park’s intricate ecosystem capturing stunning photographs and enjoying close encounters with the park’s incredible inhabitants, including predators like lions and leopards, and grazers alike.

Within just a few minutes into the deeper park, I spotted a herd of majestic elephants grazing peacefully. The sight was awe-inspiring, and it reminded me of the importance of preserving such incredible creatures. Everyone kept their cameras ready as we started our search for the rest of the “Big Five” (lion, elephant, buffalo, leopard, and rhino) along with various other wildlife game such as giraffes, antelopes, warthogs, waterbucks, Jackson’s hartebeest, and countless bird species. We only saw four out of the five and we were told that the rhinos are specifically found in the Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary, which we had not included in our itinerary. And had to miss out on that. Well, that was our bad, but we had to go on with the rest of the adventure, anyways.

After the game drive, we return to the lodge to freshen up before having our heavy lunch and preparing for the boat cruise which was next on our itinerary.

Later, in the afternoon, we embarked on a memorable boat safari along the mighty Nile River. Cruising through the waters as we marveled at the abundant wildlife that thrived along the riverbanks. I spotted schools of hippos basking in the sun, crocodiles lurking in the waters and on the river banks, and a variety of colorful birds soaring above us and along the river banks. The highlight of the boat safari was witnessing the powerful Murchison Falls themselves—an incredible sight as the Nile River forces its way through a narrow gorge, creating a thunderous roar and spraying mist into the air. Marveling at the powerful force of nature as the water cascaded down, the boat ride to the base of Murchison Falls is particularly exhilarating, offering breathtaking views and a chance to feel the power of the falls as they plummet down into a flowing river, the mighty Nile as it foams its.

After the boat safari, we returned to our lodge and spent the evening at our leisure. Playing on the swings which are at the lodge and zip lining was good for us especially me who is acrophobic overcome one of the biggest fears I felt for the time being. In the late evening, we gathered at the fireplace as we were being entertained by a group of young dancers who were dancing a dance I got to know later as Rakaraka. Very famous in northern Uganda. And our guides were still telling us stories about the park and so forth as one by one left for their rooms to have their last night’s rest in the park.

Day 3: We woke up freshened up and had our simple very early morning breakfast and packed our bags as we bid farewell to Murchison Falls National Park and start our journey back to Kampala. We made a stop at the top of the falls for a last glimpse of their majesty and opted for a hike to the top of the Murchison Falls following a well-maintained trail, and as we climbed higher, the view became more and more spectacular. We finally, reached the summit, and I was rewarded with an unforgettable panorama of the Nile River crashing through the narrow gorge and creating big rainbows, its sheer power and the beauty of the falls completely left me in awe! praising its natural wonders.

After an exciting morning hike to the top of the falls, we took a moment to relax and soak in the serene atmosphere of the park along the river bank as we enjoyed a picnic lunch by the river, surrounded by the sights and sounds of nature. The park’s tranquility and untouched beauty made it a perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of city life.

As the sun began to set as I was already seated on my window seat in the Van traveling back to Kampala,  all I was left with was painting the sky in vibrant hues, and reflecting on my three-day experience in Murchison Falls National Park. It was a journey filled with remarkable encounters, breathtaking landscapes, and a profound appreciation for the wonders of the natural world.

Murchison Falls National Park is undoubtedly a treasure park’s combination of stunning scenery, thrilling wildlife encounters, and diverse bird life making it a destination that leaves a lasting impression on any traveler and will forever hold a special place in my heart. What an unforgettable experience my trip to Murchison falls national Park.