Etosha National Park: Huge Game Reserve In The World

Etosha National Park

In this world, many people love to explore and see the wildlife. At every corner or country in this globe has some new wildlife species that cannot be found in other areas. So for that people visit to other places enthusiastically to enjoy their trip as well as experience some god gifted creatures. Well, Africa is a world popular country that offers amazing wildlife attractions. So here is an option provided to those who are visiting Africa and are the wildlife lovers.

Etosha National Park, a national park of northwestern Namibia could be found in the Kunene Region. You will get many areas that flourish wildlife. So if you are at this area of are planning to visit then do not miss to visit the Etosha National Park. The Etosha National Park shares its borders with the areas of Oshana, Oshikoto, and Otjozondjupa. Etosha was initially established in the year 1907. At that time, Namibia was a German colony considered as the South West Africa. During this period, the original area of the park was 100,000 square kilometers, making it the largest game reserve in the world.

Later, due to the political changes, the area of the park has been decreased as compared to the original area, but still the park is very large and an important area where the wildlife is sheltered. The Etosha National Park holds much great wildlife that have worth to explore. The size of salt pan desert is some 130 kilometres in length and 50 kilometres of width in places. This desert remains normally dry, but also remains filled with water temporarily during the summer months. At that time, it attracts pelicans and flamingos meticulously.

The perennial springs draw many different animals and birds year round like the endangered Black Rhinoceros and the widespread Black-faced Impala. The flora and fauna of Etosha National Park draws more tourists from all over the world. During the dry season, winds blow across the salt pan and picks saline dust. The wind carries saline dust across Africa and even blows out over the southern Atlantic. This salt enhancement offers minerals to the soil downwind of the pan. The major part in this is that some of the wildlife depends on these provided minerals. In fact, salinity also forms challenges to the farming.

Out of many other sites all over the southern Africa, Etosha Pan is the major area that is handled by the Southern African Regional Science Initiative. The park has been protected well with a long fence of 850 kilometres boundary that controls the spreading of diseases. The animals ponder around the new waterholes are resulted in the extreme grazing in their surrounding area. A total number of fifty waterholes have been built that could attract animals in a huge number and so can also perk up the viewing prospect for visitors.

Visiting Etosha National Park is among the major highlights while traveling to Namibia. Etosha has been declared by the German Kolonial administration in the year 1907 as a game reserve. Overall, it covers an area of 22,000 square kilometers. Near to some two million years ago, the Etosha National Park was completely a huge lake that used to feed by the Kunene River. Unfortunately, the lake has been slowly dried up due to the over time and the river changed its route.

The main entrance to the park is known as the Anderson Gate lies at the Okaukuejo in the southern direction. At this site, the park administration is situated. Towards the east, the Von Lindequist Gate is located close to the Namutoni. A new gate has also been formed, which is named as the Nehale lya Mpingana Gate. This gate was opened during the early 2003 that could be found in the northeast direction of the park.

Whether it is a lion or an elephant, giraffe or Zebra, nearly every African animal species are represented in the massive nature reserve that has some 22,000 square kilometres of area. The park possesses 250 lions, 300 rhinos, 2,500 giraffes, 6,000 zebras, and over 2,000 elephants. You will get minimum 20,000 of the dainty springbok that roams at the reserve. You can even catch some good glimpses of these animals along with the groups of hundred animals.